| People told to shop around as energy bills rise [2024-11-22]Someone paying by direct debit and using a typical amount of energy will pay |
| As he fills his new administration, Trump values loyalty above all else [2024-11-16]Donald Trump spent much of his first term feeling stung and betrayed by those he’d placed in power |
| Outside report calls on UCLA to develop clear plans and policies for major protests [2024-11-16]A law enforcement consulting group says the University of California, Los Angeles should develop clear plans and policies, communication lines and decision-making authority for major protests |
| Record numbers seek help with water bills [2024-11-16]Some 1.6 million households were on social tariffs last year but support varies depending on where you live. |
| Korábbi focista fejét törték be a somogyi rangadó után: megvan a gyanúsított [2024-11-14]Kiderült, mi történhetett azzal a siófoki futballszurkolóval, akit a hétvégi Kaposvár |
| Betört a koponyája, kitört a foga a megvert siófoki focidrukkernek [2024-11-13]Centimétereken múlhatott annak a siófoki futballszurkolónak az élete, akit a hétvégi Kaposvár |
| Defence chief calls for more spending on military [2024-11-11]Treasury minister Darren Jones says defence spending should rise to 2.5% of GDP, but avoids saying by when. |
| Kremlin rejects reports of a conversation last week between Putin and Trump [2024-11-11]The Kremlin is rejecting reports that President Vladimir Putin spoke last week with President-elect Donald Trump about the war in Ukraine, and a spokesman for Trump refused to comment on what he called his “private calls” with world leaders |
| Különgépekkel repültek haza Amszterdamból az izraeli futballszurkolók [2024-11-09]A zavargásokat követően háromezren már hazatértek. |
| Irish general election to be held on 29 November [2024-11-09]Voters in the Republic of Ireland will go to the polls in just three weeks time on Friday 29 November. |
| Ő a Vészhelyzet Carter dokijának felesége: a csinos Sarah Wellsszel már 10 éve házasok [2024-11-09]Noah Wyle második felesége mellett nagyon boldognak tűnik. |
| Toronymagasan ezekkel a módszerekkel ébresztheted fel leggyorsabban az anyagcserédet, hogy minél laposabb legyen a hasad [2024-11-09]Készen állsz, hogy felébreszd az anyagcserédet, és több zsírt égess? |
| Virgin Galactic Falls on Lower Revenue, Share Issuance [2024-11-08] |
| Did the US election polls fail? [2024-11-08]Polls predicted a tight race - then Donald Trump won a commanding victory. So what went wrong?